Enriching Mindz - Empowering Lives.
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The mind is a complex target of distractions.
These days, globally, a wide majority of people irrespective of their gender, age, or social status, find their minds engrossed in a lot of questions that remain unanswered despite repeated efforts. The unlimited, unrestricted access to a plethora of information on the web and the growing use of social media overflows them with confusing and conflicting messages that have a long-term bearing on their minds.
They find themselves lost in unwarranted suggestions on every aspect of life and it takes a conscious effort to groom their minds to remain undeterred & focused.
Grappling Questions
A few of the commonly faced grappling questions
- WHO AM I? What is my purpose?
- Will people ever love and understand me?
- What is my potential? Do I take up a job or do business?
- Can I live the life I dream of? What’s holding me back?
- Why do I often think of self-sabotaging my good intentions or ending my life?

Areas of concern
- 1. Low Emotional Quotient (EQ): Inadequate understanding of oneself and others, the capability of expressing oneself, Self-acceptance, Alignment with expectations from self and others, Relationship Issues (conflicts/ harassment/ bullying/ body shaming), etc.
- 2. Fears: Hopelessness, Fears of failure, FOMO, Social Anxiety, Addictions, Stress, etc. Lack of relevant skills - Decision-Making, Time Management, Prioritisation, negotiation skills, etc.
- 3. Lack of relevant skills - Decision-Making, Time Management, Prioritisation, negotiation skills, etc.
- 4. Mental readiness: To take up new roles and responsibilities, consistency in pursuing excellence in personal and professional life.
- 5. Lack of Adversity Quotient (AQ): The ability to adapt to and thrive in dynamic situations
Who Do We Work With
We work with all age groups to help them enliven their Life:
- Our focus is on grooming the Aspiring Youth - Aged 15 – 24 Yrs .
- Enterprising Adults - Aged 25-40 Yrs
- Contemplating Adults in their Midlife - Aged 40-60 Yrs,
- Benevolent Seniors over 60 Yrs of Age,
If you are striving to find answers to your questions and address your concerns to pursue excellence in your personal & professional life we offer you:
Epitomize Thy Life (ETL) Program
Decipher and Hone the mind for inner excellence and MVP mindset.
ETY is a program designed for Individuals to progressively help them to transcend through self-awareness, mindset-building for better personal growth, adaptability, and practice to reach the limit of their inherent ability to develop, also finally acquiring leadership excellence attributes. Understanding others better results in improved relationships and inner peace and Unlocking their inherent potential.
- We Guarantee Outcomes:
- 1. Improved Understanding of Self, Realization of True Potential
- 2. Increased Synergy and Cooperation with People
- 3. Build Resilience and Adaptability in dealing with adversities
- 4. Greater Commitment and Accountability towards Life Purpose
- 5. Aligning Passion with Career
- 6. Awe Inspiring successful journey of Life
Do you wish to Epitomize your life?
Before we take you on any life-enhancing journey based on your challenges, our first step will be to help you with basic awareness. You get a glimpse of possibilities and your limitless inherent potential to reinvent your future, You may choose any one of the following programs based on your interest and comfort level:
Envision Your Potential - (EYP)
A basic awareness seminar/webinar that acquaints one with the importance of
Empowerment Through Insight - (ETI) - Level 1
A workshop designed for granting a basic understanding of Oneself & Others
Testimonial What Out Clients Says

Sombit De
Abhiesshek & Kakoli have helped me transform. It's commendable how they understand concepts. they were always there to help, guide, and direct. Sincere and reliable, they keep their word.

Shreya Ramdeehul
My family was toxic, and I felt stuck and confused. I credit Abhiesshek Sir and Kakoli Mam for helping me advance. It was a wonderful experience to reprogram my mind and reorient my life.

Shantanu Vasant Pande
Mr Abhiesshek helped me overcome destructive relationships and business failures. Within a month, I mend relations with my mother, resolved issues with my wife and built a business I loved.

Naahid Nakidien
Kakoli is a talented mind coach who empowers people. Her caring and positive approach helped me focus on my business goals and reinvent my career. I enjoyed our group sessions with her.

Surya Saraf
Kakoli helped me during a difficult time in my life, filled with negativity and overthinking. Her ease of communication helped me relieve my huge mental weight. I'd gladly recommend her.

Utkarsh Chaturvedi
During the pandemic, I was unsure of my future. Here Kakoli Mam & Abhiesshek Sir played a vital role in my life. I became focused, intense, and empowered by transcending my limiting fears.